tomatoes [the riper the better]
_ wash tomatoes and pad dry
_ cut in half lengthwise
[if you use very juicy tomatoes remove the seeds/pulp]
_ spread out, cut-side-up, onto a parchment lined baking sheet
[or roasting pan]
_ heat oven to 250°F
_ slow roast normal tomatoes for 2 ½ - 3 ½ hours / cherry tomatoes for 1 ½ -2 hours
[stick a wooden spoon into the oven door to prop it open so the moisture can evaporate]
_ watch closely towards the end to of the time so they don’t burn
[you might need to remove smaller tomatoes a little early]
_ if you don’t snack them within the next few days they can be preserved by stuffing them tightly into a clean jar and covering it with good quality olive oil
[you can even season this with dried herbs like rosemary or thyme]
Tomaten [je reifer, desto besser]