4 cups pomegranate juice
[about 8 large pomegranates]
½ cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
_ remove arils from pomegranates [like shown here]
_ crush lightly so the arils are broken
[in a blender or inside a plastic bag]
_ strain through a fine meshed sieve or a cloth
_ combine pomegranate juice with sugar and lemon juice in a large pot or saucepan
[if you have pomegranate with a high acidity level feel free to add a little more sugar]
_ bring to a simmer and stir until sugar is dissolved
_ simmer until liquid is reduced to about ¼ of the original amount
[until juice starts to get syrupy - remember it will be even thicker when cold]
_ transfer to a steril jar and store in the fridge
1 Liter Granatapfelsaft
[etwa 8 große Granatäpfel]
100 g Zucker
2 Esslöffel Zitronensaft