fresh pineapple
[pineapple is ripe, if you can easily pluck out the center leaves]
_ cut off the outer skin of the pineapple and remove the ‘eyes’
_ slice pineapple as thin as possible
[about 2-3 mm - use a very sharp knife]
_ preheat oven to 100°C [200°F]
_ place the pineapple slices on a baking sheet lined baking tray
_ place in the oven and leave to dry for 60-90 minutes
[might be longer if the slices are a little thicker]
_ flip pineapples about half way through
_ prepare a cupcake pan [or little bowls]
_ once pineapple slices are almost dry to the touch [still flexible] transfer into the cupcake moulds to make the edges of the flowers curl up
_ leave pineapple flowers to completely dry in the moulds over night
_ store in an airtight container
frische Ananas
[Ananas ist reif, wenn man die mittleren Blätter leicht herauspflücken kann]